MLM Business- The 7 Business Factors of a Multi Level Marketing Business

Here is the answer: YES.

How and why does it qualify as a business? Every business has certain traits and functions that are needed to do business and stay in business. We have developed what we call the “7 Business Factors Test”, and you have to ask these questions to see if it qualifies as a business. All businesses, no matter whether it is a traditional business or a non-traditional business, (such as MLM), answer these questions in the affirmative.


What are the “7 Business Factors Test” Questions?

1) Does the MLM Business distribute goods and services of some type?

Answer: Yes.

In MLM, there are goods and services that are distributed through personal distribution methods, and they are distributed directly to the customer, with no middle man. These goods and services can be manufactured by the MLM company, but usually are not. The goods and services many times are manufactured by an outside source, and then shipped by the MLM Business to the customer or distributor. Then the distributor can take the goods, and re-sell them to their customers as well.

2) Does the MLM Business have an official Office, headquarters, or structure that the business is operated out of, and with an address of some type?


Answer: Yes.

All MLM businesses should have some kind of office or headquarters that the goods are shipped from, or at least in charge of the shipments getting to the customer. This does not have to be a fancy office, but one that can get all the tasks needed to run the business done in a timely fashion. They should have a visible address on all communication.

The distributor’s business is usually oper

18 Reasons Why People Fail With Online Businesses

1. Lack of Knowledge/Experience: Just like with everything in life the more knowledge and experience you have at something the better you will be. Think back when you started to drive a car for the first time. You were nervous and all over the place. Nowadays you don’t even think about it, it just comes naturally to you.  It’s going to be the same way when you start your own home based business.  The key is to learn as fast as you can by reading and studying everything you can about your business.


2. Self Belief/Mindset: When you have your own business you must believe in yourself. You must wake up every day in the right mindset telling yourself you will be successful. This is very hard in the beginning when you are struggling and trying to get your business up and running.  The key is to stay positive and don’t focus on the negative aspects.

3. Sign Up Under A Friend/Family Member: So you got hooked in by someone you know. They told you that they had this great business opportunity and you were going to make all this money with them. So you joined their team and now realize they are just as new to this as you are. They can’t help you build your business and you find yourself stuck with no help.  Try to avoid joining under people who are brand new. Try finding someone who can help you out personally when you have questions. Do your research and find a great mentor, not your best friend.

4. No Plan/Goals In Place: You must have a business plan when you start your home based business. If you start a business and treat it like a hobby you will make little or no money. You must have a set plan to follow and layout your goals for your business. Many people just sign up with a company and start running, going all over the place not knowing where to go. Once you get started in a company, take the time and layout your plan. Once you have your plan and goals in place you will have something to work towards.

Ingredients for business success

Now, you want to go into business, you have a product or service to sell . . . I would strongly advice that you go into a business you love, a business you enjoy. A business you know something about or that you are good at. If you don’t know or enjoy your line of business, your customers will sooner or later discover this and disappear.

Acquire the necessary skills you need to understand your line of business. Gain the experience. You can be very effective and productive in a business you understand. It sure helps if you enjoy it, but you must understand something about it.

Statistics show that most businesses started nowadays, fail. The truth of the matter is that your business can be among the successful ones out there. You just need to do the right things at the right time. I have discovered that many business people suffer because of lack of knowledge.

It’s actually very easy for businesses to excel and increase their sales. All it takes is for businesses to understand and implement certain things to enhance their business. You need to start doing some things you have probably been neglecting. I will explain these things to you in this book . . . so get ready to improve your profit dramatically.

Your business needs certain ingredients for it to be prosperous. Think of a well-prepared soup with all of the necessary ingredients . . . It becomes a delight to the stomach. Take away some vital ingredients and the result is soup that even your dog would sue you for offering to it as a meal.

Create a business plan. This serves as a road map for your business. I really want you to understand the importance of having a plan before you go into business. Don’t just jump into business without thinking carefully. You need to have a clear vision about what you want to achieve with your business. Stick to your plan, but I must emphasize that you need to be flexible too. Your plan might need some changes as time goes on.

Don’t stick with a direction that isn’t working forever. Make new changes to your plan to fit your present situation. You must be willing to c

Learn the Differences Between Each Legal Business Entity Type

Most small businesses choose the legal business entity of a “sole proprietorship”, where one person is the only “owner” of the business. Legally, there is no difference between you and your business, and while this business entity type is preferred by some because of the ease in setting it up and registering it, there is a greater legal risk assumed by the owner of a sole proprietorship. For example, if someone sues your business for infringement or fraud, they will be suing you, and your personal assets will be on the line if the case is taken to court – a disadvantage to this kind of legal business entity. This type of situation is rare to be sure, but from a business standpoint, it has the potential to be a risky move.

An advantage of this entity is the fact that you’re the only owner! You can make your own business decisions without having to consider the opinions of a board of directors, or other stakeholders. You receive 100% of the income from your business, and are free to file your profit on your individual tax return at the end of the year – a huge advantage to choosing this legal business entity type.


As the name implies, a partnership is an entity in which two or more people own a business together. Just like a sole proprietorship, there is no legal difference between the owners / members of a partnership and the business itself. As previously stated, choosing this legal business entity can have potentially negative consequences if someone were to file a suit against you or your business. An entity type of this sort carries an additional risk because of the added element of another person. For example, let’s say your business partner did something illegal and the court has decided to penalize your business assets because of his or her mistake. Although you have done nothing wrong, the whole business may be at risk of going under because of the partnership liability. Again, although this is rare, it is important to consider when choosing this kind of legal business entity. Types of considerations like this can protect your investment in the long run

Speaking of investment, an advantage to a partnership is the ability to raise more funds with the influence of more people. Instead of having to shoulder all of the capital upon startup yourself, a partnership can help business owners divide the cost of operational expenses. And of course, because you’re sharing costs, you and your partner(s) will have to share profits as well. A benefit of this kind of legal business entity is the financial ease achieved by being able to file your profits under your individual tax return at the end of the year.

When starting a partnership, it is important to draw up a legal agreement detailing how costs and profits will be shared, what to do in the event of a partner wanting to leave the business, how to settle disputes about business strategy, etc.


Unlike sole proprietorships and partnerships, where the owners are legally the same as their business, corporations offer business owners a unique legal and tax benefit in the sense that corporations are granted their own legal status. Therefore, this business entity type is considered as a separate legal business entity from you, your partners, and your shareholders. If your business were to be sued, it would not put you or your personal assets at any risk. So wait…who are shareholders? Whereas you’re an owner / operator / member of your sole proprietorship or partnership, you become a shareholder in a corporation, because this type of business operates with stock, or partial ownership distributed amongst several people. As a shareholder, you “own” a part of the business, but you also have to routinely answer to a board of directors who steer the direction of the company.

The downside to the legal business entity of a corporation is that you have less individual freedom to make executive business decisions, and you are not in total ownership of your business. This business entity type is more difficult to begin and dissolve, and often must comply with a series of complex federal and state regulations and taxes. However, the obvious benefit to this type of legal business entity is that you have more individual legal protection with the separation of yourself from your business in the event of a lawsuit.

The Evolution of Business in 2024: Navigating New Frontiers

In 2024, the landscape of business continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, driven by rapid technological advancements, shifting consumer behaviors, and emerging global challenges. Companies are not just surviving but thriving by adopting innovative strategies, embracing digital transformation, and prioritizing sustainability. Let’s explore the key trends and strategies shaping the future of business.

1. Digital Transformation: Beyond Adoption to Integration

Digital transformation is no longer a buzzword but a foundational element for modern businesses. In 2024, the focus shifts from mere adoption to seamless integration across all facets of business operations. Companies are leveraging advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and blockchain to optimize processes, enhance customer experiences, and drive decision-making.

AI and Automation: AI-driven tools are streamlining tasks ranging from customer service to inventory management. Businesses are utilizing chatbots for 24/7 customer support, while predictive analytics are transforming supply chain efficiency.

Blockchain for Transparency: Blockchain technology is gaining traction beyond cryptocurrency. It’s being used to enhance transparency in supply chains, ensuring traceability and reducing fraud, which is crucial in industries like food and pharmaceuticals.

2. Sustainability: A Core Business Strategy

Sustainability is no longer a niche concern but a core business strategy. Consumers and investors alike are demanding greater environmental responsibility, pushing companies to adopt sustainable practices.

Circular Economy Models: Businesses are increasingly adopting circular economy principles, focusing on reuse, recycling, and reducing waste. For example, fashion companies are exploring sustainable fabrics and recycling programs, while tech firms are designing products for longevity and easier repair.

ESG Reporting: Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria are becoming critical for investor decision-making. Companies are enhancing their reporting on sustainability metrics, integrating ESG factors into their corporate strategies to attract investors and maintain competitiveness.

3. Remote and Hybrid Work: Redefining the Workplace

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the shift towards remote work, and in 2024, businesses are refining hybrid work models to balance flexibility with productivity.

Hybrid Work Policies: Companies are developing robust hybrid work policies, providing employees with the flexibility to work from home while ensuring that in-person collaboration remains effective. This involves redesigning office spaces to support hot-desking and collaborative work zones.

Digital Collaboration Tools: Investment in digital collaboration tools is critical. Platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom are continuously evolving to offer more integrated solutions for team communication, project management, and virtual collaboration.

4. Customer Experience: Personalization and Engagement

In an age where consumers have endless choices, personalized customer experiences are key to retaining loyalty. Businesses are leveraging data analytics to understand customer preferences and tailor their offerings.

Data-Driven Personalization: Companies are using data to create highly personalized marketing campaigns, product recommendations, and customer interactions. AI-driven algorithms analyze purchasing patterns, browsing behavior, and social media activity to deliver targeted experiences.

Omnichannel Engagement: Seamless integration across online and offline channels ensures a cohesive customer journey. Retailers, for example, are enhancing their e-commerce platforms while integrating augmented reality (AR) for virtual try-ons and in-store experiences.

5. Resilience and Risk Management: Preparing for Uncertainty

The past few years have underscored the importance of resilience in business. Companies are focusing on robust risk management strategies to navigate uncertainties and disruptions.

Supply Chain Resilience: Diversifying supply chains and building local partnerships are becoming essential strategies to mitigate risks from global disruptions. Businesses are investing in digital twins to simulate and optimize supply chain operations.

Cybersecurity: With the rise in cyber threats, robust cybersecurity measures are critical. Companies are adopting zero-trust architectures, enhancing encryption protocols, and investing in cybersecurity training for employees.


In 2024, the business landscape is characterized by rapid technological innovation, a strong emphasis on sustainability, and evolving work models. Companies that successfully integrate digital tools, prioritize sustainability, adapt to new work dynamics, and deliver personalized customer experiences are poised to thrive. As the world continues to change, businesses must remain agile, resilient, and forward-thinking to navigate the complexities of the modern marketplace.